FairY Circles
mushroom learning network
since 2020

The FairY Circles is a community learning and food-sovereignty initiative, that brings the ecosystem’s two weirdest creatures (humans and mushrooms) closer to each other, while facilitating mutual sensitivity in co-habiting the Earth during an ever-unpredictable common presence.

‘Társasháztáji’ Mushroom Festival
art and agroecology research process
2021, Budapest

‘Társasháztáji’ Mushroom Festival was a 3 weekend community art and agroecology process, produced in collaboration with Hajnal Gyeviki ceramic artist, Szeszgyár Community Park and funded by the Hungarian Two-tailed Dog Party, where participants became mushroom-growing representatives of their multi-apartment-building’s community and investigated how unused urban spaces could be transformed into mushroom cultivation places in reality.

‘társasháztáji’ is a pun referring a small homestead organized in an urban situation, inside a cohabitation building.

Erotic Mushroom Calendar
self-published, queer myco-taxonomy calendar series
since 2021

The EMC is an art and science-communication publication that lures us towards new ways of intimacies through sensuous myco-taxonomy illustrations made by different mycophile artists.
lt represents mushroom fruit bodies as ephemeral artworks of sexuality: while they are popping-up to forward the desire of creating something new they enchant their habitats into extravaganza exhibition sites. The calendar is a place of sensory cross-fertilization of vibrating fungal diversity and our possible ways of relating to ourselves and other bodies with care and curiosity.

Mushroom Drawing Trips

Slow wanderings into the hidden worlds of fungi and their habitats facilitated by the changing couple of an artist and a mushroom taxonomist – offering the chance to enhance the joy of encountering new species or looking at them from new perspectives by spending time with their visual depiction or even their tasting.